On y trouve aussi bien des traits qui le rapprochent des Psaumes et du livre de Job. 33 If you are willing to listen, you will learn; if you give heed, you will be wise. 17 For he who fears God behaves accordingly, and his friend will be like himself. In time, the book of Ben Sira, via its Greek and then later translations, became part of the Christian Bible, where it is known as either Sirach (in Greek) or Ecclesiasticus (in Latin). 23 In his lifetime he turned back the sun and prolonged the life of the king. 28 Happy the man who meditates upon these things, wise the man who takes them to heart! 26 Play not the hypocrite before men; over your lips keep watch. Like the trees of Lebanon in summer, Rutgers University 4 Resolute princes of the folk, and governors with their staves; 5 He permitted him to hear his voice, and led him into the cloud, 2 The sand of the seashore, the drops of rain, the days of eternity: who can number these? 20 A patient man need stand firm but for a time, and then contentment comes back to him. 15 As a trustworthy prophet he was sought out and his words proved him true as a seer. 15 A faithful friend is beyond price, no sum can balance his worth. 6 Let your acquaintances be many, but one in a thousand your confidant. 4 How awesome are you, ELIJAH! Do not grieve the hungry, nor anger the needy. 2 Une femme vaillante fait la joie de son mari, il connaîtra la paix tous les jours de sa vie.. 3 Une bonne épouse est le gros lot, elle reviendra à celui qui craint le Seigneur. 14 No poison worse than that of a serpent, no venom greater than that of a woman. 10 While unmarried, lest she be defiled, or in her husband’s house, lest she prove unfaithful; As he ascended the glorious altar and lent majesty to the court of the sanctuary. 12 O Elijah, enveloped in the whirlwind! We are exceedingly grateful to the institutions and one private individual, which (who) serve as the custodians of these invaluable documents. Precious stones with seal engravings in golden settings, the work of the jeweler, 7 It is the LORD; he created her, has seen her and taken note of her. 7 A bad wife is a chafing yoke; he who marries her seizes a scorpion. 15 Your understanding covered the whole earth, and, like a sea, filled it with knowledge. - Gave new strength to Jacob and saved him by their faith and hope. He fixed the boundaries for his tribes, and their division into twelve. Chapters 44-50 present a refreshing history of the ancestors, patriarchs, and leaders of Israel. The man who finds joy in his children, and he who lives to see his enemies' downfall. 17 He gave to him his laws, and authority to prescribe and to judge: 3 He turned to God with his whole heart, and, though times were evil, he practiced virtue. We know this specific information, for it is our good fortune that the grandson included an extended prologue to the book, in which he provides the specific date (to wit, year 38 of the reign of Euergetes). 7 and subdued the enemy on every side. Par la parole du Seigneur, il ferma le ciel, et à trois reprises il en fit descendre le feu. and the children of his race would be remembered; Until one arose who should not be remembered, the sinner who led Israel into sin, 16 He, too, called upon God, and offered him a suckling lamb; 22 For Hezekiah did what was right and held fast to the paths of David, 7 Of numbering every deposit, of recording all that is taken in and given out; Both the Bodleian's own website and www.genizah.org display these folios in the incorrect order. 6 Who burned the holy city and left its streets desolate, As JEREMIAH had foretold; A proud pauper, a rich dissembler, and an old man lecherous in his dotage. 6 Which he rained down upon the hostile army till on the slope he destroyed the foe; 24 May his goodness toward us endure in Israel as long as the heavens are above. 29 Because you approached the fear of the LORD with your heart full of guile. 18 A lasting agreement was made with him, that never should all flesh be destroyed. 26 And now bless the LORD who has crowned you with glory! Feeble hands and quaking knees - from a wife who brings no happiness to her husband. 1 Heureux le mari d’une bonne épouse : le nombre de ses jours en sera doublé !. grends@rutgers.edu They erected the holy temple, destined for everlasting glory. 1 The greatest among his brethren, the glory of his people, was SIMON the priest, son of Jochanan, 9 He also referred to JOB, who always persevered in the right path. Gold you gathered like so much iron, you heaped up silver as though it were lead; 24 By his powerful spirit he looked into the future and consoled the mourners of Zion; 16 ENOCH walked with the LORD and was taken up, that succeeding generations might learn by his example. 27 Wise instruction, appropriate proverbs, I have written in this book, As with all ancient texts discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew Scripture was in consonantal text only. 2 A worthy wife brings joy to her husband, peaceful and full is his life. Till he won his way onto the summits of the land; his family too received an inheritance, The book was translated into Greek by the author’s grandson in Egypt (almost undoubtedly in Alexandria) in 132 B.C.E., during the reign of Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II. A manuscript with six chapters of Sirach was found at Masada. In adoration before the Most High, before the Holy One of Israel. 3: La femme vertueuse est une bonne part; elle sera donnée en partage à ceux qui craignent le Seigneur. A book with many different names, and containing lots of important information. 9 But of others there is no memory, for when they ceased, they ceased. He established him in honor and crowned him with lofty majesty; And the man who passes from justice to sin, for whom the LORD makes ready the sword. With his whole being he loved his Maker and daily had his praises sung; 17 Then all the people with one accord would quickly fall prostrate to the ground 2 Fall not into the grip of desire, lest, like fire, it consume your strength; 4 Did he not by his power stop the sun, so that one day became two? 21 God struck the camp of the Assyrians and routed them with a plague. 11 with scarlet yarn, the work of the weaver; 25 For even his covenant with David, the son of Jesse of the tribe of Judah, La meilleure citation de Ben Sira préférée des internautes. Entre le Xe et la XXe s. connu que par ses versions grecque et syriaque. 16 Glorious, too, were SHEM and SETH and ENOS; Lest she become pregnant in her father’s house, or be sterile in that of her husband. 31 You will wear her as your robe of glory, bear her as your splendid crown. 0 (1) LA LOI, les Prophètes et les livres qui leur font suite nous ont transmis de nombreuses et grandes leçons, et il faut, à ce sujet, louer Israël pour son enseignement et sa sagesse. Les 42 premiers chapitres forment une longue série de sentences. 17 With song and story and riddle, and with your answers, you astounded the nations. Sirach begins at quire 68, folio 1r (which includes the grandson's prologue), and runs through quire 71, folio 2r; the website presents both the images and the transcription. 14 Once he had completed the services at the altar with the arranging of the sacrifices for the Most High, 9 Happy is he who finds a friend and he who speaks to attentive ears. Chapter One on Wisdom, Chapter Six on Friendship and Discipline, Chapters 25-26 on Wives and Women, and Chapter 42 on a Father's Care for his Daughter are representative of the first section. 4 For contumacious desire destroys its owner and makes him the sport of his enemies. 180–175 BCE, where he is … At God's word he established the kingdom and anointed princes to rule the people. 8 He clothed him with splendid apparel, and adorned him with the glorious vestments: In such cases, we have provided both our new numbers and the older numbers. 10 Keep a strict watch over an unruly wife, lest, finding an opportunity, she make use of it; 10 Fear of the LORD warms the heart, giving gladness and joy and length of days. He is the author of Sirach, also known as the "Book of Ecclesiasticus". 2 God's honor devolved upon him, and the Lord strengthened him with fearful powers; 23 May he grant you joy of heart and may peace abide among you; Two Ben Sira fragments found in the Dead Sea scrolls, and also dated to the 1st Century B.C., are likewise textually identical. 17 HEZEKIAH fortified his city and had water brought into it; 15 And had stretched forth his hand for the cup, to offer blood of the grape, 8 Like the blossoms on the branches in springtime, like a lily on the banks of a stream; 19 But the LORD saw this and became angry, he destroyed them in his burning wrath. 14 In life he performed wonders, and after death, marvelous deeds. These Genizah materials currently are housed in Cambridge, Oxford, London, Paris, New York, and Los Angeles. » Livre de Ben Sira le Sage 6, 14-16 « Le juste montre la voie à son ami, le chemin des méchants les égare. Without the background story from 1 Kings 11, a reader of Ben Sira might think that Solomon’s transgression was perhaps adultery or a kind of sexual insatiability. We know nothing of Ben Sira beyond what can be gathered from the book itself. One can imagine the confusion and the difficulty in examining all the textual witnesses. 17 Knowledge and full understanding she showers down; she heightens the glory of those who possess her. Ceux qui craignent le Seigneur cherchent à lui plaire, ceux qui l'aiment se rassasient de la loi. Majestic, glorious, renowned for splendor, a delight to the eyes, beauty supreme. e. 62. Welcome to www.bensira.org, the website devoted to the ancient and medieval Hebrew manuscripts of the book of Ben Sira. The Hebrew text of Sirach 50:27 and 51:30 gives the following genealogy: Simeon son of Jesus, son of Eleazar, son of Sira, making the author the grandson and not the son of Sira, and so he is called by Saadia; see HDB (Nestle) and EB, II, 1165 (Toy). And God Most High gave answer to him in hailstones of tremendous power, 28 Search her out, discover her; seek her and you will find her. When his hand let fly the slingstone that crushed the pride of Goliath. The developers of this website are grateful to the following benefactors, all affiliated with Rutgers University, for research support: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/nets/edition/30-sirach-nets.pdf, http://www.academic-bible.com/en/online-bibles/biblia-sacra-vulgata/read-the-bible-text/bibel/text/lesen/stelle/43///ch/21b1fc41d98dfeb7ef0f3ed4f74a96b9/, The Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit of the Cambridge University Library, Bibliothèque de l’Alliance israélite universelle, Paris, The Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, Jewish Quarterly Review, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, The Deborah S. and Herbert B. Wasserman Endowed Research Award Fund, Aresty Research Center, Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, The Blanche and Irving Laurie Chair in Jewish History. And they are as though they had not lived, they and their children after them. While originally written in Hebrew, the Book was read only through its Greek translation, known as Σειρὰχ. 22 Among wisdom's treasures is the paragon of prudence; but fear of the LORD is an abomination to the sinner. They have provided us with new high-resolution digital images of the Ben Sira manuscripts and/or have generously allowed us to incorporate them into this website for public use. Heureux est le mari d'une femme vertueuse, et le nombre de ses jours sera doublé. THE WISDOM OF BEN SIRA (ECCLESIASTICUS) The Wisdom of Ben Sira derives its title from the author, “Yeshua [Jesus], son of Eleazar, son of Sira” (50:27). Then he will enlighten your mind, and the wisdom you desire he will grant. As ordered by the illustrious prophet Isaiah, who saw the truth in visions. 12 As a thirsty traveler with eager mouth drinks from any water that he finds, Informations sur Ben Sira, un sage pour notre temps ? Ben Sira, the author, was a devout man of wisdom who lived in Jerusalem about 200 BC. As with the Book of Job, the author notes the "beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord." 24 All of them differ, one from another, yet none of them has he made in vain; » Proverbes 12, 26 « Un pervers sème la discorde, le … Chapter 4 - My child, do not mock the life of the poor; do not keep needy eyes waiting. 15 Was ever a man born like JOSEPH? 14 A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure. e livre est l'oeuvre d'un certain Jésus (= Josué) fils de Sirac (en hébreu Ben Sira), d'où l'appellation moderne de Siracide (ancienne appellation: l'Ecclésiastique). Happy is he who sins not with his tongue, and he who serves not his inferior. 3 By God's word he shut up the heavens and three times brought down fire. Prior to the creation of www.bensira.org, the scholar or interested lay person wishing to consult the various Ben Sira manuscripts needed to turn to a host of publications and/or internet sites. 21 Then again the people would lie prostrate to receive from him the blessing of the Most High. 3 What you have not saved in your youth, how will you acquire in your old age? 12 On his turban the diadem of gold, its plate wrought with the insignia of holiness, Jake@Binstein.com - JakeBinstein.com. 7 for they had treated him badly who even in the womb had been made a prophet, 21 février 2017 – Ben Sira le Sage 2,1-2. As the high priest completed the services at the altar by presenting to God the sacrifice due; 20 But they called upon the Most High God and lifted up their hands to him; Livre de Ben Sirac le Sage (48, 1-4.9-11) La Parole de Dieu . 27 Exalt not yourself lest you fall and bring upon you dishonor; 1 Now will I praise those godly men, our ancestors, each in his own time: The rabbinical tradition that the Wisdom of Ben Sira was written by a sage of Jerusalem about 180 B.C. 7 You heard threats at Sinai, at Horeb avenging judgments. See that there is no lattice in her room, or spot that overlooks the approaches to the house. 15 With a dragon or a lion I would rather dwell than live with an evil woman. 10 Yet these also were godly men whose virtues have not been forgotten; That all the doomed nations might know that the LORD was watching over his people's battles. 12 But if you are brought low, he turns against you and avoids meeting you. During his lifetime he feared no one, nor was any man able to intimidate his will. 21 For this reason, God promised him with an oath that in his descendants the nations would be blessed, Though false charges in public, trial before all the people, and lying testimony are harder to bear than death, 32 My son, if you wish, you can be taught; if you apply yourself, you will be shrewd. May he grant you wisdom of heart to govern his people in justice, 20 Even when he lay buried, his guidance was sought; he made known to the king his fate, 15 Choicest of blessings is a modest wife, priceless her chaste person. 8 A drunken wife arouses great anger, for she does not hide her shame. 36 If you see a man of prudence, seek him out; let your feet wear away his doorstep! The work was known to the rabbinic tradition, and indeed Ben Sira is cited in the Talmud and related literature on about a dozen occasions. Thus you will be truly refined and recognized by all as discreet.