The museum combines personal … Kennis en onderzoek. The museum is situated in the company’s old passenger holding building. Dr. Feys: The Red Star Line is the name of the shipping company who transported more than 2 million people, mostly migrants, across the Atlantic between Antwerp and New York from 1872 until 1934. An exhibition about courage, romance, love and resilience. Tickets are to be purchased online for a visit during a fixed time block. The Red Star Line Museum invites you on an eventful journey in the footsteps of the emigrants. De Loods is nu alleen toegankelijk voor mensen die een museumbezoek gereserveerd hebben. Much of the history is told through the stories of the families that escaped persecution in Europe by making their way to Antwerp and boarding the Red Star line's ships. Make sure to wonder around the neighborhood if you visit the museum. Hun verhaal, dat van de rederij Red Star Line die hen vervoerde en dat van de stad en de haven waaruit ze vertrokken, staan centraal. Een tentoonstelling over moed, romantiek, liefde en veerkracht. Le Musée Red Star Line vous invite à un passionnant voyage. In addition to the permanent display, we also host temporary exhibitions in a stunning building with an extensive collection. There is lots of information and exhibits and you could easily … Backpacks, large bags and umbrellas are not allowed in the museum halls. Red Star Ranch is making it's mark on the Longhorn show circuit. Honden zijn niet toegelaten, uitgezonderd blindengeleidehonden. Koop online tickets voor een bezoek tijdens een vastgelegd tijdsblok. Discover the story of the shipping company, the city of Antwerp and its harbour. You have to store them in the lockers in the basement. Mais surtout, découvrez … Red Star Line Museum BBB’s restoration gives the historic Red Star Line inspection station new life as a museum that celebrates the emigrant experience. The historic sheds of the legendary shipping company with the red star in its flag currently house the Red Star Line Museum. Le musée Red Star Line vous invite à un voyage mémorable sur les traces des émigrants. Temporary exhibitions The Red Star Line Museum. Thursday, June 9, 2016 — This summer, the Ellis Island National Immigration Museum will host the exhibition Via Antwerp, The Road to Ellis Island, which was created by the internationally acclaimed Red Star Line Museum in Antwerp, Belgium. Are you coaching an integration training programme? Miljoenen mensen nemen vanaf 1800 de boot vanuit Europa naar … €8 Gratuit avec pass musées . The museum tells their story through the eyes of the shipping company and how Antwerp functioned as a transit hub. Het museum. Excellent and facinating museum. In het Red Star Line Museum kan je dikwijls deelnemen aan verschillende activiteiten. The road to Ellis Island' - May 27th - September 3rd 2016. Wat maakt het Red Star Line Museum zo speciaal? Here's an overview of our activities. Faites connaissance avec les passagers et rejoignez-les lors de leur voyage de leur village d'origine au port d'Anvers. Zo voorkom je volle tijdsblokken. Een bewogen reis in het voetspoor van de landverhuizers. €6 Gratuit avec pass musées . The Red Star Line Museum invites you on an exciting voyage. Red Star Line Museum Musée Red Star Line Exposition permanente . Faites connaissance avec les passagers et rejoignez-les lors de leur voyage de leur village d'origine au port d'Anvers. The Red Star Line Museum is fully accessible for disabled persons. Exhibition texts are available for people with a visual handicap. The former warehouses of the Red Star Line in Antwerp were designated as a landmark and reopened as a museum on 28 September 2013 by the City of Antwerp. In 1872, a Belgian subsidiary was formed at Antwerp and named Societe Anonyme de Navigation Belge-Americaine. Much of the history is told through the stories of the families that escaped persecution in Europe by. Het Red Star Line Museum is opnieuw geopend. Read them carefully: Keep in mind that wearing a face mask in the museum is mandatory. New $27 million Red Star Line Museum opens in Antwerp, remembering 2.5 million Europeans who sailed to New World. Red Star Line Museum: 'The' smaller one ! Het Red Star Line Museum kan je ook digitaal beleven. I would grade this museum on a scale of a B. In 1872, a Belgian subsidiary was formed at Antwerp and named Societe Anonyme de Navigation Belge-Americaine. The former warehouses of the Red Star Line in Antwerp were designated as a landmark and reopened as a museum on 28 September 2013 by the City of Antwerp. International Navigation Company of Philadelphia, was founded in 1871 and was better known as the Red Star Line. This is an interesting museum which gives the history of the Red Star shipping line, a company who provided ship passage from Antwerp to New York and Philadelphia. International Navigation Company / Red Star Line. The Red Star Line buildings, overlooking the River Scheldt, are landmark structures with great historic value to the city of Antwerp and the broader history of European emigration. Le musée Red Star Line vous invite à un voyage mémorable sur les traces des émigrants. It's a nice museum but they could have really extended it in so many ways. Dr. Feys: The Red Star Line is the name of the shipping company who transported more than 2 million people, mostly migrants, across the Atlantic between Antwerp and New York from 1872 until 1934. +32 3 298 27 Take part in a guided tour, a city walk, workshop, attend a performance ... Are you teaching evening classes for non-native speakers? Daarom sluit het Red Star Line Museum zijn deuren, tijdelijk en tot nader order, vanaf donderdag 29/10/2020. The museum tells their story through the eyes of the shipping company and how Antwerp functioned as … Red Star Line Museum. Wat zit er in de collectie en hoe gaan we daar mee om? The Red Star Line Museum is celebrating its fifth anniversary and has multiple reasons to celebrate. Temporary Exhibition. The Red Star Line Museum is everything but a traditional museum. Destination Sweetheart Musée Red Star Line Du 25 sept. 2020 au 30 mai 2021 . And also about pain and struggling. International Navigation Company / Red Star Line. Montevideostraat 32000 Antwerpentel. Het Red Star Line Museum is volledig toegankelijk voor mensen met beperkte mobiliteit. The museum tells the story of the millions of Europeans who were courageous or desperate enough to … The Red Star Line Museum is celebrating. 12,833 were here. Montevideostraat 32000 AntwerpBelgiumtel. The museum exhibits works of art depicting the Red Star Line emigrants by the Antwerp artist Euge… The ocean steamers of the Red Star Line are docked on the quay ready to depart for the New World The Red Star Line Museum fills the hall that processed many who passed through Antwerp on their way to a new life. Groepsbezoeken en rondleidingen zijn op dit moment nog niet mogelijk. On display from 25/09/2020. Miljoenen mensen nemen vanaf 1800 de boot vanuit Europa naar … 12,703 were here. You can visit the museum on your own, with your family, with a group of friends or colleagues. Foto Noortje Palmers ©Red Star Line Museum Het museumgeheel bestaat uit drie gebouwen uit die tijd en ontwikkelt op iets minder dan 2000 m2 een scenografie die de geschiedenis van de zeevaartmaatschappij en van de miljoenen Europese emigranten, maar ook de evolutie van Antwerpen in dat tijdsgewricht verhaalt. The Red Star Line museum is a fascinating museum that tells the story of the shipping line that brought immigrants from Europe to the US and Canada before the second world war. Dogs are not allowed, with the exception of guide dogs. Open Tuesday - Sunday: from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Facebook Twitter Instagram flickr foursquare. Become acquainted with the passengers and accompany them on their trip from their native village to Antwerp. Become acquainted with the passengers and accompany them on their trip from their native village to Antwerp. Il Red Star Line Museum è un museo ad Anversa sulla storia della Red Star Line inaugurata il 28 settembre 2013.. Mostra. About starting a new life abroad in order to be with the one you love. Red Star Line Museum © 2013-2018 Alle rechten voorbehouden. International Navigation Company of Philadelphia, was founded in 1871 and was better known as the Red Star Line. Red Star Line Museum BBB’s restoration gives the historic Red Star Line inspection station new life as a museum that celebrates the emigrant experience. Il Red Star Line Museum è composto da storie di persone che hanno viaggiato in America o in Canada con le navi della omonima compagnia di navigazione. The ocean steamers of the Red Star Line are docked on the quay ready to depart for the New World. At the end of September, it will reopen to the public after a closing period required for the renovations carried out on the hall and the last portion of the permanent exhibition. The main focus of the museum is the travel stories that could be retrieved through relatives of the some two million Red Star Line passengers. 03 298 27, Nieuwsbrief Facebook Twitter Instagram flickr foursquare Tripadvisor. Group visits and guided tours are not available for the time being. Ook alle evenementen worden geannuleerd. Les paquebots de la Red Star Line … Werking en beleid. Above all, discover the emigrants’ stories. - See 1,148 traveler reviews, 363 candid photos, and great deals for Antwerp, Belgium, at Tripadvisor. Above all, discover the emigrants’ stories. In deze periode moeten we er alles aan doen om de verspreiding van het coronavirus COVID-19 tegen te gaan en risicogroepen te beschermen. In 2010 the foundations of the new Red Star Line museum have started. (You need a € 1 coin). Discover the story of the shipping company, the city of Antwerp and its harbour. Miljoenen mensen nemen vanaf 1800 de boot vanuit Europa naar … Lezingen, workshops, rondleidingen, kinderateliers, voorstellingen ... Je vindt alles terug in onze activiteitenkalender. The ocean steamers of the Red Star Line are docked on the quay ready to depart for the New World. Ontdek het verhaal van de stad, haar haven en de landverhuizers. This website has been built in memory of all emigrants who left to the 'new world from Antwerp.It has the aim to provide a considerable amount of … Red Star Line Museum opens exhibition in New York 'Via Antwerp. In the exhibition the visitor follows the travelers' tracks from the travel agency in Warsaw until their arrival in New York. The Red Star Line Museum invites you on an exciting voyage. The Red Star Line Museum invites you on an eventful journey in the footsteps of the emigrants. The Red Star Line museum is a fascinating museum that tells the story of the shipping line that brought immigrants from Europe to the US and Canada before the second world war. The Red Star Line buildings, overlooking the River Scheldt, are landmark structures with great historic value to the city of Antwerp and the broader history of European emigration. The Red Star Line Museum is celebrating. Momenteel mag de bubbel waarmee je naar het museum komt enkel bestaan uit je huisgenoten en een vast knuffelcontact. Red Star Line Museum: Emigration museum - See 1,148 traveler reviews, 363 candid photos, and great deals for Antwerp, Belgium, at Tripadvisor. found: Red Star Line Museum website, April 1, 2016 (Red Star Line Museum; opened Sept. 28, 2013; name is Red Star Line Museum on Dutch, English and German pages, Musée Red Star Line … In 2010 the foundations of the … Over mensen die hun thuisland verlaten om bij hun geliefde te zijn en een heel nieuw leven beginnen. Découvrez l’histoire de la compagnie maritime, de la ville et de son port. They are located in Antwerp near the Scheldt (river), from where the ships set off on the transatlantic voyage. Red Star Line ocean steamers paved the way to a new life for about two million men, women and children between 1873 and 1934. The Red Star Line Museum is open again. Come see us No matter if you’re a Registered Longhorn breeder, commercial breeder, livestock exhibitor, weekend rancher, or looking for an iconic Texas Longhorn trophy steer to decorate your acreage, we … Carry out various assignments and learn more about the emigrants. The main focus of the museum is the travel stories that could be retrieved through relatives of the some two million Red Star Line passengers. We look forward to welcoming you in the Red Star Line Museum, but keep in mind the different precautionary measures. Red Star Line Museum Het Red Star Line Museum laat je wandelen in de voetsporen van Europese landverhuizers. We verwelkomen je graag in het Red Star Line Museum, maar hou wel rekening met de verschillende voorzorgsmaatregelen. Red Star Line Museum in Antwerp. Antwerp Tourism; Antwerp Hotels; Antwerp Bed and Breakfast; Antwerp Vacation Rentals; Antwerp Vacation Packages; Flights to Antwerp; Antwerp Restaurants; Things to Do in Antwerp 10 reviews of Red Star Line Museum "Perfect location for a museum. Het verhaal, de locatie, de aanpak ... ? The Red Star Line Museum is celebrating its fifth anniversary and has multiple reasons to celebrate. Zeker in het weekend durven die voor te komen! The amazing museum opened to the public on 28/9/2013. Het Red Star Line Museum nodigt je uit op een boeiende tocht. The Red Star Line Museum invites you on an eventful journey in the footsteps of the emigrants. Love the neighborhood! A game for families with children 6 years old and up. Red Star Line Museum © 2013 - 2018 All rights reserved. 12,817 were here. The Red Star Line Museum has a lot to offer. Maar ook over pijn en worsteling. Lees ze aandachtig op onze pagina met Praktische infoReserveer ook zeker op voorhand je tickets. At the end of September, it will reopen to the public after a closing period required for the renovations carried out on the hall and the last portion of the permanent exhibition. An eventful journey in the footsteps of the emigrants. Become acquainted with the passengers and accompany them on their trip from their native village to Antwerp. Les paquebots de la Red Star Line attendent à quai une nouvelle destination mondiale. Red Star Line Museum: Great museum - See 1,148 traveler reviews, 363 candid photos, and great deals for Antwerp, Belgium, at Tripadvisor. Luister naar verhalen, begin te knutselen tijdens een digitale workshop of doe inspiratie op voor een leuk verjaardagsfeestje thuis. Red Star Line Museum On first arriving at what is one of my favourite Antwerp museums I wondered if I was going to get my money’s worth: the exhibition itself, on the ground floor, is not big in terms of the space it occupies and looks initially like a a foyer expo of the sort you might idly look at while waiting to go into the main museum. Ga op pad in het museum met verschillende opdrachten en kom zo meer te weten over de landverhuizers. Whatever you choose, we always offer you a unique experience. You and your students are very welcome at the Red Star Line Museum for a late night visit! Red Star Line Museum On first arriving at what is one of my favourite Antwerp museums I wondered if I was going to get my money’s worth: the exhibition itself, on the ground floor, is not big in terms of the space it occupies and looks initially like a a foyer expo of the sort you might idly look at while waiting to go into the main museum. Aussi fascinantes que des histoires personnelles vous accompagnent pendant la traversée. Kinderwagens mag je wel mee binnenbrengen in het museum. High expectations and deep disappointments. It remains a place of remembrance, a "lieu de mémoire" for the millions of emigrants who set out for a new life in the States via Antwerp.